Friday, August 29, 2014

Lantern Project Updates - Directions and Lantern Tutorial

Thanks to everyone who sent in a jar for the CREST lantern projects, and an extra special thanks to those of you who brought in extra jars! You rock! 

I apologize for any of the confusion surrounding the Specials schedule changes that may have affected your child. Unfortunately, if your child's scheduled Art day is Monday, we will not have any additional class periods to work on the lanterns. However, I have included a quick tutorial below showing the steps necessary to complete this project, in case you want to work on the lanterns next week before the parade!

Your artists have been hard at work this week! Here are some highlights:

We started off discussing each grade's specific CREST value (k- community, 1- respect, 2- trust, 3- empathy, 4- sustainability), then tried to vizualize it by drawing pictures in our sketchbooks and discussing images that came to mind when thinking of these values. 

Then the kids drew pictures on their tissue to represent their grade's CREST value ( k & 1 used tissue squares instead of larger pieces).

Next week, we will use Mod Podge to attach the tissue to the jar, then add a fabric handle!

This week, I received a lot of questions about how to get to the BeltLine in time for the Lantern Parade (Saturday, Sept. 6 at 7:30). I decided to email Chantelle Rytter from the Krewe of a Grateful Gluttons (the fantastic group that organizes the lantern parade), and here are her suggestions:

"The Inman Park MARTA station is 5 blocks from parade line-up and Mid-Town MARTA is about 8 blocks from the finish (take Uber to it, perhaps). Parking: Have dinner at Parish and use the valet! I would look for street parking in the O4W or Cabbagetown might be a good angle. Inman Park will likely fill up quick. If you are really organized – think of it like rafting and leave a car near the finish!"

Please remember that carpooling is highly encouraged if you do drive, and please be mindful of your belongings and trash - let's leave the BeltLine just as  beautiful as the way we found it :)

Here are step-by-step instructions for how to make the lantern, in case anyone missed out this week!

Lantern Tutorial 

Craft tissue paper (any color)
Mod Podge or white glue
Hot glue gun, glue sticks

Measure the amount of tissue paper you will need by wrapping the tissue around your jar.

Then cut, leaving a little room for overlapping.

Cut the bottom of the tissue - it can be even with the bottom of e jar, or you can leave a little bit on the bottom. 

With permanent marker, decorate your tissue (make sure to put a newspaper, scratch paper, etc. below it to protect the table!).

With a brush, apply a thin coat of mod podge to the surface of your jar (Elmer's glue will also work!).

Carefully wrap your tissue around the jar, pressing lightly.

Apply one more thin coat of mod podge (you can do this without letting the first coat dry).

While you are waiting for the mod podge to dry, heat up your glue gun, or you can use regular glue (just make sure to use a lot).

Cut two strips of fabric - the strip for your handle should be a bit thicker.

Glue each end of the thicker strip to the mouth of the jar, pressing down firm so it really sticks.

Wrap the remaining strip around the mouth of the jar, using glue all the way around (not just the ends).

Now your lanterns are ready for lights! You can use electric tea lights from the dollar store, holiday lights, glow sticks, or even a small flashlight! No real fire, please :)

See you on the BeltLine! Feel free to wear your GLOBE shirts!

Monday, August 25, 2014

BeltLine Lantern Parade and Reminder for Jars!

This is just a reminder to mark your calendars for next Saturday, September 6! The BeltLine Lantern Parade will start at 7:30 at the Eastline trail between Irwin Street and Dekalb Ave. You can find more information here.

A few people have asked about the parking situation, and I have been researching the best places to park, with little luck. I know that I will be taking Uber, but if you want to drive I would suggest carpooling. If you have any parking suggestions, please leave a comment below! I will send updates as I find out more!

In preparation for this event, please make sure to send a clean clear jar (plastic or glass) with your child this week, and make sure to check the updated Art schedule. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough extra jars in each class for everyone to make a jar lantern today (students did a modified lantern made from paper). Also, because there is no school next Monday, today was the only day my Monday classes could work on their lanterns before the parade. However, I will post a quick tutorial this weekend in case you would like to make a lantern (or extra) at home over the holiday :)

Please continue to check this page and the GLOBE PTCC emails for updates!

Friday, August 22, 2014

First Days of Art and Schedule Changes

Hi GLOBE families!

It has been an exciting week here at school, and Art is off to a great start!

*****Starting next week, 1st and 2nd grade will have a new specials schedule. Please click here to find out when your child will have art this quarter!****

This week, students in each grade designed the covers for their sketchbooks, which they will use throughout the year. As many returning students will attest, sketchbooks are incredibly useful for planning out projects, practicing new techniques, and reflecting about the artistic process.

Each student had a chance to experiment with various forms of media and techniques. We reviewed how to create collages by cutting and gluing carefully, and we also discussed how caring for our markers and colored pencils shows respect to the materials as well as our classmates.

Here are some pictures of the students in action!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Welcome to Art at GLOBE!

Dear Families,

Welcome to Art at GLOBE! I am so excited to be here at GLOBE for our second year and look forward to seeing many new and familiar faces on our first day!

This year, all students will have Art for 55 minutes, once a week. I am incredibly passionate about teaching art in a way that honors each child's experiences and curiosities, so art projects will primarily be open-ended and focused on process. This will be a great year of exploring materials, learning about a variety of artists and art forms, and using art to enhance and contribute to our community at GLOBE!

New Studio
I am so pleased to tell you that this year, we will have an art studio located in the former kitchen (in the back of the cafeteria)! The space has undergone a wonderful transformation with the help of many parent volunteers, and we will continue to make it a child-centered environment by adding the students' creations as the year progresses.

Please follow my blog at (formerly for more information on projects, important dates, and photos of student art! There will also be a volunteer sign-up portal and wish list updates, so make sure to check often!

Supplies and Wish List
Thanks to our implementation grant, our Art program will soon have a wealth of materials and resources. However, I have included a list of items that we can always use more of:

·         Hand sanitizer
·         Paper towels
·         Clorox wipes
·         Baby wipes
·         Newspaper (to cover tables)
·         Dry-erase markers
·         Sharpie markers
·         Used books about artists
·         Used books with pictures of nature, animals, humans in motion, etc.

Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions! I look forward to working with you and your children soon! Go GLOBE!